Partner - Deloitte Consulting Germany
Thursday 5 May 12:20 - 13:10
Renata is a Partner at Deloitte Consulting in Germany advising clients in the Oil, Gas and Chemicals and Life Sciences on digital transformations, sustainability and overall enterprise performance. She also has a keen interest in applications of new technologies such as AI and Quantum computing in the chemical industry as the enablers for Sustainable by Design materials and process development. She is also Deloitte Quantum Ambassador and ex-IBM Quantum Ambassador.
Before joining the consulting industry, Renata was working over 14 years in the chemical industry. As the Head of the Polymer Reaction Engineering Department at BASF, she was responsible for the development of new products and processes.
She holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Ottawa, Canada and an Executive MBA - Dual Degree from Germany and France. She also has a range of certifications including the MIT xPro certificate in the Quantum Algorithms for Cybersecurity, Chemistry and Optimization.