Interactive Speaker

Liz is CEO and Co-founder of  Tympany Medical, a design-led Medical device company, developing novel endoscopes for ENT surgery.. It was founded in 2018 by Dr. Liz McGloughlin (CEO) and Rory O’Callaghan (CTO). Tympany Medical is innovating at the intersection of mechanics, optics, electronics miniaturisation and human-centred design to deliver cutting edge endoscopes to the ENT Market and beyond.


Prior to Tympany Medical, Liz worked as a Doctor in ther areas of Anaesthesia and Critcal Care across a number of hopsitals in Ireland. She has deep knowledge of the clinical environement and an MSc in BioInnovation. Since completion of the BioInnovate Ireland Fellowship in 2015/16, the Tympany Medical team have been successfully funded through various national and EU grant mechanisms as well as securing investment >€3.5million in Seed investment in 2021.